Holy Holy Holy

  |   Mar 7, 2019


Glory above the highest mountains
Majesty deeper than the seas
Better than we could hope or fathom
Treasure beyond our wildest dreams

Glory that we could never rival
Majesty far beyond our reach
Better than kingdoms built by wise men
Treasure surpassing kings and queens

Glory that kneels to serve creation
Majesty laid aside for love
Father to every tribe and nation
Treasure You freely give to us

Glory above the highest mountains
Majesty deeper than the seas
Better than we could hope or fathom
Treasure beyond our wildest dreams

Glory that we could never rival
Majesty far beyond our reach
Better than kingdoms built by wise men
Treasure surpassing kings and queens

Glory that kneels to serve creation 
Majesty laid aside for love 
Father to every tribe nation
Treasure you freely give to us

Holy holy holy
Never ending power
Eternities of mercy

Holy holy holy
The very thing you are
The very thing we’re lacking