We are here to help you navigate and engage with the opportunity and resources available at The Village Church. Whether you are a first-time guest or a long-time member, we want to come alongside you as you build community and immerse yourself in the family of God.
New here? Join us at First Steps to learn more and get to know the people at The Village Church. Registration is required.
For some, participation might mean learning more about TVC at our First Steps class. For others, it might mean serving as an usher on Sunday morning. Knowing what the next step is can be overwhelming, but we are eager to help all people find the spaces that best meet their needs and utilize their gifts.
Serve by interpreting the music and teaching at services or events through sign language.
Create a welcoming home on a weekend service team including greeting, ushering, parking, and more.
Connections & Events Ministry Assistant
Minister, Senior Director, Connections & Events
Executive Director, Engagement
Connections Resident
Executive Assistant to D. Stanley & L. Eenigenburg
Connections Associate